Two Roads Massage Therapy - the healing power of touch
Specializing in Oncology, Lymphatics & Relaxation Massage Therapy

Services, Rates, Payments


Updated information!

Geri will contact you after your initial communication with her for a requested massage session. If a session is  booked for your special service, she will then instruct Square to send you an email for payment for the session.  Expect that invoice to come to your email with a couple of days. It is very easy to make your credit card payment through Square. 

Prices for Geri's massage services are listed below.



Gift Certificates are now available through Square. See link below.

Give the gift of wellness to your family members, friends and co-workers!

Gift Certificates make the perfect gift for any occasion: birthdays, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, Christmas or more! Whatever the event, gift certificates will make a special gift. 

Gift Certificates are available for any service, package, or amount. Certificates are fully transferable but not refundable. Please contact me at 512.576.1050 for additional information.

Some more info... 

Every massage is customized for you based on your individual needs.  Below is a sample of some of the massage modalities that I offer to help you achieve your healthcare goals. Help me, help you, design a healthcare plan for your mind, body and spirit!

Please note: Massage is contraindicated (it's best to avoid it) if you have a fever, infections, inflammation, are prone to blood clots or other medical conditions. Contact me so we can talk about rescheduling and/or making modifications to your massage session.

Cancer/Oncology Massage


It is true that cancer and cancer treatment limit the massage choices. But within those limits, there are many rich and creative possibilities for touch. ~ Tracy Walton, M.S., L.M.T.

According to the American Cancer Society, massage is "thought almost universally to be a beneficial therapy.  It is helpful not only physically but emotionally as well, because it soothes the soul and the mind." 

Massage cannot cure cancer, but it has been shown in several studies to improve quality of life and well-being. There is some scientific evidence that massage enhances the immune system by increasing blood circulation.  In addition, massage has been shown to promote relaxation and alleviate pain and anxiety in hospitalized cancer patients.

And even after years of survivorship, there are adjustments to be made in a massage session if lymph nodes were removed or treated with radiation, or if bone metastases are present. For people who have had even one lymph node compromised, precautions for possible lymphedema will be used. 

What is oncology massage? Many people ask me this. It is a modified form of massage therapy that safely nurtures the body, mind and spirit of anyone who is dealing with cancer or who has had a history of it. It is best to have a massage therapist who is specially trained in this modality for your massage session.

This comfort-oriented massage is customized with a variety of specialized techniques that will meet the needs of individuals who are living with cancer. It is gentle work that supports, nourishes and strengthens the organs and the immune system in order to safely address the symptoms and side effects associated with cancer and its treatment (such as pain, fatigue, and anxiety).

From the Society for Oncology Massage website (  "An oncology massage is a client-specific, customized massage session designed to meet the unique and changing needs of someone in treatment for cancer or with a history of cancer treatment. A safe massage plan generally revolves around the side effects (short, long and late term) of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery."

A trained oncology massage therapist knows how to make adjustments to each massage session that is appropriate for each person. Adjustments in pressure, site, positioning, session length, areas of concern (such as mediports, bone metastases, neuropathy or skin reactions), and types of oils/lotions used are some of the modifications that I would pay attention to. 

Again, this gentle-touch massage is a specialized approach to help you manage the short and long term side effects of treatment such as fatigue, pain, nausea and depression. Massage can be given before, during and after chemo, radiation and surgery, with doctor approval. Results of an oncology massage session can be reduced pain, improved sleep, restored range of motion and release of scar adhesions, decreased numbness in hands and feet, improved mood and renewed energy.

For those who are post-treatment, a customized oncology massage can be beneficial as well. Many of my clients continue with me when they are now in "survivorship."  I can also offer you a safe and effective oncology massage session in this part of your cancer journey. Feel free to contact me for more details.

Please note that specific precautions and adjustments to your massage session will be taken in accordance with your health needs. Massage will never be performed on bruises, areas of tissue damage, inflamed or infected sites. Again, precautions will be taken if you have any circulatory issues, such as phlebitis or varicose veins. If you are at risk for blood clots or lymphedema or have had a history of either one, I will need special approval from your physician.

For people currently going through conventional treatment, such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy (and/or within a one-year window of completion of treatment), acknowledgement/special instructions from your oncologist is required prior to booking an oncology massage. Please contact me at 512.576.1050 for a three-page "release form letter" that I will send to you. You, the client, need to sign page 3 of the letter first and then all three pages are sent to the doctor for his review, release and notation of any special instructions that I need to know so that I may give you a safe and effective massage session.

First visit for a new client is a 90-minute session, which includes a consultation, review of your intake form and hands-on work. Price is $130.

Follow up visits can either be 75 minutes ($115) or 90 minutes ($130).

For those with financial issues - please contact Geri at

Unfortunately, at the present time, insurance does not cover massage therapy services.  I can offer you a receipt for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

Manual Lymph Drainage


Every human being is the author of his own health or disease. ~ The Buddha

A little background on me and info about our lymphatic system:

I am a certified lymphedema therapist (CLT) who has completed the 135-hour certification training program (Klose Training, the Vodder Technique) for Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT), which is the gold standard for the treatment of lymphedema. 

I am also a certified manual lymph drainage therapist (CMLDT), trained by Klose Training.                                                                                                         

CDT is a combination of Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD), bandaging/wrapping of the affected areas, skin and nail care, exercise and patient education (self care).

MLD aims to gently and rhythmically move the lymph through the body, especially in swollen areas of the body, relieving pressure and enhancing the functioning of the immune system. This type of pressure is very light in nature, about the weight of a nickel.

MLD is a gentle, non-invasive bodywork technique that stimulates the flow of lymph fluid. It is often used pre-and-post cosmetic surgery and as a way to assist with lymphedema. MLD has been shown to be very effective as being part of a treatment plan to help people manage their lymphedema. 

In addition, MLD is very effective for many concerns including faster recovery from injury, reduction of swelling and discomfort from surgery, radiation therapy, and assists to effect strengthened resistance to illness. 


What is the lymphatic system and how does it affect us? The lymphatic system is part of the body’s circulatory system and a vital part of the immune system. The lymphatic system runs parallel with the veins and removes cellular waste, bacteria, proteins and excess water from the tissues. When it becomes blocked, lymph nodes may become swollen. Your system fails to remove the body’s toxins and this can even affect white blood cell counts. 

Lymphatic drainage is believed to reduce blockage, which promotes health in the lymphatic system as well as in other bodily systems such as the circulatory, respiratory, muscular and endocrine systems. By stimulating congested areas in the lymphatic system, it can cleanse the body of waste products and debris at the cellular level. The technique used in this massage helps to recirculate body fluids, stimulate the immune system and promote relaxation.

As both a preventative and remedial technique, manual lymph drainage can be used for a wide range of purposes including faster recovery from injury and reduction of swelling, discomfort, bruising from surgeries. It can be used to improve scar tissue as well. It can also relieve fluid congestion, swollen ankles, puffy eyes, as well as to promote the healing of wounds and burns. It is excellent for relief of migraine headaches, sinusitis, tinnitus, chronic inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis and conditions such as acne, eczema, and allergies.

MLD is very effective for people with chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, lupus, fibromyalgia, alopecia (hair loss) and many other health conditions. It is also a good technique to use with elderly people because of its profound efficacy in promoting tissue regeneration and stimulating effect on the immune system. And it is gentle!

Precautions: MLD is contraindicated for those people who have congestive heart failure, deep vein thrombosis, open wounds, fever or active skin infection. If you have any heart or kidney disease, please check first with your medical doctor before booking this service. 

After your session, it's possible to feel light-headed so you may wish to rest for an hour or so. You may experience more energy in the days following the massage (this is good!). Remember to drink lots of water after your massage.

Learn more about the lymphatic system by clicking the link below.



For people living with cancer, lymphedema is a major concern. Even if you have had one lymph node compromised from radiation or surgery, you are at risk for lymphedema. What is lymphedema?

Lymphedema is an accumulation of fluid that can collect in any body part, but most typically in arms or legs. It usually occurs when the lymph vessels or lymph nodes are blocked or removed. Left untreated, this stagnant, protein-rich fluid not only causes tissue channels to increase in size and number, but also reduces oxygen availability in the transport system, interferes with wound healing, and provides a culture medium for bacteria that can result in lymphangitis (infection). MLD has been shown to be very effective as being part of a treatment plan to help people manage their lymphedema.

First visit for a new client is a 90-minute session, which includes a consultation, review of your intake form and hands-on work. Price is $130.

Please note: be sure to review and sign the Breast Massage Consent Form that is shown on the "Forms to Complete" webpage. 

Follow up visits can either be 75 minutes ($115) or 90 minutes ($130).

Unfortunately, at the present time, insurance does not cover massage therapy services.  I can offer you a receipt for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.


Pre/PostSurgeryLymphatic Massage

90 minutes: $150

For those interested in: Pre and Post Operative Care

Be sure to review and sign the Breast Massage Consent Form (for MLD) that is shown on the "Forms to Complete" webpage. 

Pre-Surgical Lymphatic Massage - Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD)

I would suggest one or two MLD sessions before surgery - anywhere from 2-10 days prior to the scheduled surgical procedure. Your doctor should be aware of your request and give his acknowledgment of it.

This gentle "stretch and release" type of bodywork helps to drain toxins and free radicals from the tissues, creating healthier tissue, all of which helps when you go into surgery. This helps by clearing any stagnant toxins and waste that may be at or around the surgical sites. Benefits may include reduced bruising, less swelling, increased relaxation and overall discomfort.

Post-Surgical Lymphatic Massage - Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD)

I would suggest two or three MLD sessions starting approximately seven days after surgery, and with doctor clearance. It is important to have your doctor "clear" you for the MLD work.

The tissue will feel much more relaxed, and you will feel less discomfort after your post-surgical sessions. The lymphatic massage sessions will help speed up the recovery time, improve your skin’s elasticity and reduce routine swelling and bruising. In addition, it may help to prevent infection, alleviate pain, and minimize scarring & hardening.

Therapeutic/Swedish Massage

60 minutes: $80

There is nothing stronger in the world than tenderness. ~ Han Suyin

Benefits from "Geri's integrative blend of strokes, pressure and techniques" may include relief from aches and pains, decreased stress levels and greater flexibility. Sessions are customized to fit your needs. This type of massage supports and energizes the body, mind and spirit.  

Don't get fooled by the name of this massage! This massage is designed and customized just for you. With Geri's expertise, education and experience, she will use a combination of strokes, pressure and techniques to address your particular health needs and goals for the session. 

For men and women who have acute or chronic inflammation (such as backaches, sore necks and shoulders, etc.) and get a referral from their physician for medical massage therapy, Geri uses a wide range of massage techniques to help relieve pain, decrease anxiety and fatigue, and increase energy.  One of her massage therapy goals is to help provide relief for medical conditions.


The massage session may include medium to firmer/deeper pressure that will help with pain relief as well as a lighter touch that can help soothe the nervous system. It might also include firm Swedish strokes that will help stimulate the lymphatic system, which will carry away the body’s waste products. 

The variety of of strokes along with different levels of pressure all help the body improve its circulation. This increased blood flow provides nourishment to the muscle cells and it can also have a sedative affect on your muscles causing them to relax and elongate. 

For people who are over age 70 years old and have specific health conditions, please read the geriatric/eldercare massage info below.  That type of massage might be better suited for you. 

A 90-minute therapeutic massage is $110.

Unfortunately, at the present time, insurance does not cover massage therapy services.  I can offer you a receipt for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.